
Encyclopedia dramatica bookz
Encyclopedia dramatica bookz

encyclopedia dramatica bookz

encyclopedia dramatica bookz


Well now the most filthy dispicable disgusting lies only a radfem of satanic cult could think of is being posted on this site along with statements I don’t wish to mention here and at least 20 photos of me in very comprimizing shots, and my a link to a full funtional front page business website which i now must close down after 13 years in business.

encyclopedia dramatica bookz

There are many horrible people who belong to that hate group radfems and it would appear that one of these members 3 or 5 months ago decided that the hundreds of lying, ficticous filht they post about me along with my photos, phone addresses, business homepage and my family members just isnt mean enough. There are plenty of books difficult to get hold of, because theyre obscure or small-press or out of print we dont need to document them being difficult. About 15 months ago i was chosen as one of Cathy “Bug” Brennan an Attorny from the Baltimore Maryland area and the leader of the “Rafems” World Wide Hate groups newest Transgender victim to harrass, cyber stalk, bully, terrorize and destroy which she has done in full to my complte financial ruin. Have you seen any of their other articles Besides, what makes Jade Goodie special of all the. From what i have learned about this website online is they are a satanic cult that trolls the internet looking for victoms who may already be being victomized to the point that they are already easily found through simple web search.

Encyclopedia dramatica bookz